中国果品流通协会成立于1991年,是经民政部登记注册的全国性的果品行业组织,是由果品生产、流通、加工、贮藏企业和科研单位以及果品专业合作社、地方性行业组织自愿组成的、非营利性的社会团体。具有独立法人地位。本会的宗旨是:在邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想指导下,认真贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策和国家的各项法律、法规,坚持以会员为本、服务兴会,发挥连接企业与市场、政府之间的桥梁和纽带作用,努力搭建果品行业的公共服务平台,加强行业内外的联合与合作,维护会员的合法权益,促进行业发展。 China Fruit Circulation Association was founded in 1991 and is registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs nationwide Fruit industry organizations, the Fruit production, circulation, processing, storage enterprises and scientific research units and Fruit professional cooperatives, local voluntary organizations composed of non-profit social groups. Has an independent legal personality.The purpose of this Council is : Deng Xiaoping Theory and " Three Represents " important thought, implement the Party's line, principles and policies and state laws and regulations, and uphold Member-based, service and play connectivity with the enterprise market, government's role as a bridge and link to erection Fruit industry public services platform to enhance trade within and outside the joint and cooperation, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of members, promote industry development. 本会会长赵显人(中华全国供销合作总社党组成员、理事会副主任),常务副会长 (法人代表)傅秀泉,秘书长鲁芳校。协会秘书处下设:综合部、信息部、会员部、培训部。 The leader of the Association is Zhao Xianren (China Supply and Marketing Cooperative group members, vice-director of the Council), executive vice-president (legal representative) Fu Xiuquan, the Secretary-General Lu Fangxiao. Association secretariat consists of: integrated Department, Information Department, Member Department, Training Department. 本会的主要任务是:了解掌握果品行业的现状和发展趋势,提出行业发展规划和改革建议,提供信息、技术、法律咨询等中介服务;组织开展全国和地方性的各类果蔬会展活动,引导果农和企业进入市场,搞活流通;举办果业发展论坛和理论研讨,总结交流经验,推进企业联合;组织名特优新产品和"中华名果"评选,实施品牌战略,促进果品质量的提高;会同有关部门开展水果原产地论证,参与水果质量标准和水果储藏仓库建设标准的修改和制定工作;加强同有关国际组织和国家水果行业的联系与合作,引进和推广国内外优质水果品种和先进的水果种植、保鲜、贮藏、加工技术;帮助企业开拓国际市场,组织企业参与反倾销调查,制定反倾销措施,维护我国果业和果农的利益;组织业务技术、经营管理等方面的培训,提高从业人员和经营管理者的素质;开展行业自律,协调企业与政府有关部门的关系,维护市场秩序;办好《果品经济信息》、《中国果菜》会刊和"中国果品网";加强同地方性果品行业组织的联系,指导其开展工作。 The main task of this Council is : to understand the current situation and development trend of Fruit industry, the planning and development of the reform proposals and submit industry to provide information, technical, legal advice, and other intermediary services; organize various national and local fruit and vegetable exhibition to guide farmers and enterprises to enter the market, invigorate circulation; Organize fruit industry development forums and theoretical discussions, exchange experiences and promote joint enterprise; famous and fine products and organizations " China-fruit " selection and implementation of brand strategies to promote Fruit quality; carry out verification of origin fruit with the relevant departments, and participate in fruit quality standards and fruit storage warehouses changes and the development of building standards; Strengthening cooperation with relevant international organizations and national fruit industry contacts and cooperation, and the introduction and promotion of quality fruit varieties and advanced fruit cultivation, preservation, storage, and processing technologies; Help enterprises explore the international market, organizations involved in the enterprise anti-dumping investigations, anti-dumping measures to safeguard the interests of our fruit industry and fruit; professional and technical organizations, and management of training, and enhance the quality of practitioners and managers; conduct self-discipline, and coordination of enterprises and government departments, maintain the market order;running the 《Fruit economic information》, 《Chinese fruits and vegetables》 published conference proceedings and " China Fruit Network”; Strengthen links with local farming industry organizations, to guide its work. 中国是世界上最大的水果生产国,果品行业是农村经济的一个大产业,发展潜力巨大。中国果品流通协会作为我国唯一的果品行业组织,竭诚为行业、为企业提供全方位的服务。热诚欢迎果品同业者加入中国果协。让我们携手合作,联合共赢,促进中国果品行业的不断发展壮大! China is the largest producer of fruits in the world, and the fruit industry is a great industry rural economic development potentials. China Fruit Circulation Association as China's only organization dedicated to the industry, providing enterprises with comprehensive services. Warmly welcome fruit society to join us. Let us work together, benefit together to promote the constant development of China's Fruit and industry!